As early as five years old, this adorable daughter of a piano teacher was already speaking seven languages and playing six instruments. By age eight, she could speak eight languages and play eight instruments. The instruments are the harp, piano, violin, guitar, drums, clarinet, flute, conga. The languages include Arabic and Mandarin! By age nine she was learning Japanese and college algebra!

Her parents are Haitian Americans. They and her aunt who lived with them spoke Spanish, Creole, French and English. Her nanny spoke Arabic. All which she spoke before she was two. So her parents hired tutors to teach her more languages and music instruments when she was less than two years old. She absorbed everything effortlessly. At 15 she added painting and dancing.

Mabou Louiseau is working towards being a brain surgeon, a lawyer and a singer. She is a successful eighteen-year-old singer at the time of this report. Phew! What can you say to this? Share in the comments section below. PLUS SHE IS B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. A head-turner.

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